asdfmovie15 is the long-awaited fifteenth installment of the "asdfmovie" series. It was announced on the video based on the latest asdfmovie card game, "Don't Press That Mine Turtle!". [1]
Voice Actors[]
- Chloe Dungate
- Zane Little
- Harry Toms
- Sam Reich
- Kai Newton
- Jack Douglass
- Rik Bowley
Beginning gag[]
[♫ wacky circus music ♫ ]
Wife: I want a divorce.
[door slams]
Husband: Fine! But I'M keeping the clown!
[Intro plays]
"I'm bored."[]
[♫ jaunty electronic music ♫ as a guy falls]
[uncomfortably quick footsteps]
A Girl[]
Guy: Aww... Who's a good boy?!
Dog: Not me. [♫ cool guitar riff ♫] I'm a girl.
Leave My House[]
[♫ french accordion music ♫]
Waiter: And what would sir like?
Guy in a Tub: I'd like you to leave my house.
Waiter: NoOoOoOoO!!!!!
Gun Doctor[]
♫ Gun Doctor ♫
♫ He's bad at his job!♫
God in a Tree[]
Girl: God...
God: Yes, my child?
Girl: Why are you in a tree?
God: I am stuck.
This Isn't Milk[]
[sips on "milk"]
Guy: This isn't milk.
[he explodes]
For your Next Wish?[]
Guy: I wish I were dead...
[He gets shot]
Genie: And for your NEXT wish?
Horse With a Baby[]
[funky music]
♫ Horse with a baby ♫
[music stops]
Guy: Give it back.
Horse: NO.
[uncomfortably fast clopping]
Too Many Fingers[]
Boy: 98... 99... 100!
[He turns around,showing 100 fingers on his hands]
Boy: This is too many fingers!
Johnny the Truck[]
Wife: Kiss me, Johnny!
[Johnny crashes into her]
Singer: ♫ Johnny the Truck! ♫
Don't Look at The Sun[]
Wife: Honey, don't look at the sun!
[cut to outer space]
The Sun: Haha! I'm NAKED!
Your Place or Mine[]
Husband: So... Your place or mine?
Wife: Uuh... This is your place.
[Zooms out]
Husband: Well THAT would explain why all my stuff is here...
That's Classified[]
Mum: Are you having fun, sweetie?
Son: That's classified.
[♫ surf rock ♫]
Guess What[]
Guy: Hey, guess what!
[pained screaming as is suddenly on fire]
Aww... Gross[]
Guy: I love you...
[♫ romantic music ♫]
Women: Aww...
[♫ romantic music starts to end ♫]
Women: Gross.
I Don't Know How[]
Women: Wanna dance?
Guy: I don't know how.
Women: Neither do I.
[♫ hardstyle club music ♫ as they both lay on the floor]
Johnny the Truck (2)[]
Guy: Fetch the stick, boy!
[Johnny crashes into him]
♫ Johnny the Truck! ♫
What's Wrong[]
[a child is crying]
Woman: Aw, what's wrong, little guy?
Boy (sudden adult voice): My wife left me...
Really Loud[]
[gunshot, then a pained yell]
Guy: That was really loud!
Rainbow Outta Prison[]
Woman: Wow, a rainbow!
Guy: I didn't know he got out of prison!
[knife unsheathing]
Rainbow; Run.
Johnny the Truck (3)[]
Husband: Well, if I'm not the father, who is?!
[baby car horn, followed by Johnny crashing into the husband]
♫ Johnny the Truuuck! ♫
Game Promotion[]
Narrator: This is Steve.
Steve: Huh?
Narrator: And this is his natural predator...
[Johnny the Truck starts creeping behind Steve]
Narrator: ...Mine Turtle.
Mine Turtle: Hello!
Steve: Wait, what?
Tom (voiceover): Hey you! We made a new game! Tom: Don't Press That Mine Turtle is and explosive game of truth or dare where you challenge your friends to either complete ridiculous missions or press Mine Turtle's button and risk going boom. It's available on Kickstarter right now!
- TomSka didn't really quit his asdfmovie series. [2]
- He said that he would need to avoid edgy stuff if this ever got released so it wouldn't get immediately demonetized or age-restricted. Because of this, the script for it got less gags.[3]
- However, he made up a different script for the episode that happened to have edgy stuff.
- This video was uploaded exactly three years after asdfmovie14.
- This video was uploaded the same day of the 15th Aniversary of Michael Jackson’s death
- The outro music for The Confession 4 would then become the intro song for this episode.
- Both "look out he's got a nose" and "here hold this (knife version)" are combined into one skit in a deleted scene.