Asdfmovie Wiki

asdfmovie2 is the second asdfmovie in the series, and was uploaded to YouTube on New Year's Day 2010. or late 2009? The reoccurring "I Like Trains" skit is also introduced in this episode. The episode is 1 minute 52 seconds long, and has 14 skits.

Cast and Crew

Animation: Edd Gould

Bastian Pascal (additional)

Music: Stephen Grant

Additional Art: Marianne McLaughlin


Special Thanks

Thomas Costello

Casey Margolis

Sam Green

George Marino

Harry Marino

Bastián Pacal

Tom Bown


Cake Bomb


First Skit

Man: I baked you a pie!

Kid: Oh, boy! What flavor?

Man: Pie flavor.

(a tiny pie bursts out of the pie while electric guitar music plays)

Title Sequence

(asdfmovie2 theme song plays)


Second Skit

(A song plays in the background.)

Girl: I like singing!

Boy: I like dancing!

Ryan: I like trains.

(A train rams in to Ryan.)


Third Skit

Guy 1: Hey. It says 'Gullible' on the ceiling.

(Guy 2 looks up. The ceiling clearly says 'Gullible')

Guy 2: Oh, so it-- ah, you stole my lungs.


Fourth Skit

Potato killer: Die potato!

(Potato pulls out a gun)

Potato: Not today.


Fifth Skit

Clown: Haha! They said I could never teach a llama to drive!


Clown: No, Llama! Nooo!

(The Llama flies off a cliff.)


Sixth Skit

Man: Doctor, I think I might be homosexual!

Doctor: How can you tell?

(Man vomits a Rainbow)



Seventh Skit

Ranger: What are you?! A man, or a mouse?!

(a drawing of a horse is shown)


Eighth Skit

Teacher: Hey kids! I brought you some cookies!

Kids: [cheer]

Ryan: I like trains.

(Teacher and the kids give poker faces.)

(Ryan gets hit by train.)


Ninth Skit

(Desmond The Moon Bear title screen)

Singers: ♪ Desmond The Moon Bear! ♪

Desmond: How did I... get here?

Announcer: The End.


Tenth Skit

Man: (chuckles) I can't read.


Eleventh Skit

Man 1: Kitten Fight!

Man 2: No, wait! I'm allergic to adorableness!

(Man 2 gets hit in the face by a kitten and picks it up, which gives him a really cute face)

Man 2: Aww...

(Man 2's grave is shown)


Twelfth Skit

Harold: What are you up to, son?

Ryan: I like trains.

Harold: Hahaha. Yes, you do.

(long and awkward pause)


Thirteenth Skit

Man: Hey! You know who's gay? Yo--

(he and the other guy get hit by a train)
Ending Credits

(credits roll)

Fourteenth Skit

Man 1: I can't wait to eat this bagel!

Man 2: Yes, you can.

Man 1: Yeah, I guess you're right.


  • The "I like trains." joke was originally going to be "I like dinosaurs." and then a dinosaur would come in and eat all the kids but it was changed to "I like trains". For more info, go to The dinosaur, which was the would be the Stegosaurus finally appeared in Asdfmovie4.
  • This is the only time the "I like trains" skit featured a locomotive-hauled train.


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