Asdfmovie4 is the fourth episode in the asdfmovie series. It was uploaded to YouTube on September 2, 2011. There are a total of fifteen skits in this asdfmovie. The opening skit is "Do an Internet" and the closing skit is "Go to the Moon".
Cast and Crew[]
Writer and Director:
- Thomas "TomSka" Ridgewell
- Ben "Wonchop" Smallman
- Chloe Dungate (Chair Illustration)
- Todd "LilDeuceDeuce" Bryanton
Voice Actors:
- Thomas "TomSka" Ridgewell
- Jack Howard
- Dean Dobbs
- Jack "Jacksfilms" Douglass
- Brock "Mcgoiter" Baker
- Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson
- Robert Benfer
- Edd Gould
- Jamie Spicer-Lewis
- Todd "LilDeuceDeuce" Bryanton
Do an Internet/Do a Book
Internet Kid: I'm gonna do an internet!
(Internet Kid presses a key on a keyboard, and a rainbow jets out of a PC)
Internet Kid: WOOOOOAH!
Reader Guy: Well I'm gonna do a book! (touches an open book, nothing happens) Aw...
(title screen with music)
The Science Show
All Singers, All Melodies and All Symphonies: (sings) ♪ The Science Show! ♪
Guy: Pianos!
(A piano crashes on him and does a low note)
Guy: (muffled)
Telephone Robbery
(phone rings, guy picks it up, and gun pulls)
Thief: "This is a robbery."
(the dramatic "Dun dun dun dun!" could be heard)
(guy hangs up and walks away)
Sandwich (Part 2)
(Joey's friend and a different person are looking together, Joey gets out of his friend's mouth)
Joey's friend: Bleeeeech.
Bystander: Oh...
Can't Skate Here
Police Cop: Hey, kid, you can't skate there!
Skater: You can't tell me what to do!
(skater is blown up by a mine in a minefield)
Wanna Be a Pie
Billy: I wanna be a pie!
(shift to Billy as a pie in the oven)
Mother: Billy, no!
Sarcastic Complement
Snarky Guy: Nice hat.
Magician Man: Thanks!
Snarky Guy: I was being sarcastic.
Magician Man: Well, I stole your face!
(snarky guy slaps on his blank area where his face was)
You Are a Chair
Chair: (echoing off screen) Honey? Do you like my new shoes?
Harold: You are a chair, darling.
Chair: (yells louder) I can dream, Harold!
Stegosaurus (Part 1)
(time machine appears)
Time Traveler Guy: It worked! My time machine wo- (gets stepped on by Stegosaurus)
Stegosaurus: I am a stegosaurus!
Shoot Me in the Face
(suicidal guy rushes up to man)
Suicidal Guy: Quick! Shoot me in the face!
(other man whips out gun and fires)
Robber: You gettin' mugged, kid!
Kid: (shaping hands into "guns") No! You're getting mugged!
Robber: (drops his gun) Ahh! How the hell does that even work?!
Catch the Ball
Father: Hey, son! Catch! (throws ball)
Son: Ok, dad! I'm going to catch it! I'm going to ca- (gets squashed by ball which never changed size to match perspective)
Banana Fight!
Man: Banana fight!
Police Cop: (off screen gunshot) NO!
Throw the Cheese!
Citizen 1: (spots a flying saucer) Alien attack!
Rebel: Throw the cheese! (throws cheese at flying saucer)
(everyone stares)
Citizen 2: Yeah!
(credits roll with asdfmovie song in background)
Why Wait?
Daughter: When I grow up, I want to go to the moon!
Father: Why wait? (kicks his daughter into the sky)
(credits continue)
- If you listen very closely at the end of "Throw the Cheese" skit, someone says "Yeah!"
- Harold was reading a newspaper with the front page story saying Potato Found Dead which references the Die Potato trilogy.
- This was the first asdfmovie to be animated by Ben Smallman, and the first to have music performed by Todd Bryanton.
- The line "Throw the cheese!" was heard on the Mine Turtle song.
- The Internet Kid was formally named Leet by TomSka in a comment on this tumblr post.
- The "Why wait" skit is not normally seen unless you are watching a asdfmovie1-[number here] collection or watch the credits.
- This was the last asdfmovie to be released during Edd Gould's lifetime.