Fansdfmovie is an asdfmovie created by TomSka and was written by Ayana, DerFexer, kitkat1003, Martwypoeta, Mnooper, Novvon, Pixel, Red, and Shrimp_Teeth.
All of the animating was done by Ben 'Wonchop' Smallman and was in TomSka's video "You wrote the WORST asdfmovie EVER".
Transparent person: I'm trans!
Other person: Cool.
Trans person: -parent! (fades away)
Other person: What?
Person 1: Is that a knife?!
Person 2: (shoots Person 1) No!
(a man looks at a Rorschach inkblot for a few seconds as a ticking sound is heard)
Person: Smash.
(a person gasps at a flaming frying pan)
Person: My fire is done. (eats the flame)
Person 1: I feel like you've been so... distant lately.
Person 2 (from far away): What?
Ryan: I like trains.
Person 2: I like trains.
(Ryan slowly turns toward Person 2 with a look of surprise on his face)
(cut to their marriage)
Wedding person: I pronounce you m—
(a train runs over the marriage)
Person 1: Hey, dude, pull my finger.
Person 2: Okay. (pulls other person's finger, which pops off, revealing that it is a grenade)
Supervillain: Haha, nothing can stop me now!
(a blank screen)
Villain: Noooooooooo!
Person 1: Hey!
Person 2: (walking past person 1) Hi!
Person 1: See? Not all these skits have to end in violence.
(Tom shoots Person 1)
Tom: They do.
Written By[]
Ayana, DerFexer, kitkat1003, Martwypoeta, Mnooper, Novvon, Pixel, Red, and Shrimp_Teeth.
Thomas Ridgewell As "Trans" Guy, Confused Guy, Scared Guy, Guy With A Gun, "Smash" Guy, Fire Eater, A Sad Woman, A Really Far Guy, An Other Trains Guy, A Guy In A Wedding, Finger Guy, Finger Puller, Evil Guy, "Hey" Guy (1), "Hi" Guy (2), And Himself.
Edd Gould (Archived Voiceclips) As Ryan (Uncredited)
Todd Bryanton (Notes Suggested By Fans)
- This asdfmovie marks the return of Ryan (I Like Trains kid) after appearances in Asdfmovie2, Asdfmovie3, Asdfmovie6, Asdfmovie9, Asdfmovie10, and Asdfmovie12 (in the intro).
- On TomSka's Patreon, there is a longer version of the video.
- This is the second unofficial asdfmovie, the first being Bensdfmovie.